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Soma Yoga with Paul

Hi I am Paul Marrin and I built this site to help you learn Somatics and how to use them to,

  • relieve your muscle pain

  • release your tight muscles

  • increase your range of motion 

The Theory behind  Soma Yoga

  • As infants, children and adults we learn new movements. For every movement the Sensory Motor Cortex of the brain learns how to tighten muscles to make the movement happen and how to release the muscles when the movement is finished. In normal conditions, the brain never forgets. (Once you can ride a bike, you can always ride a bike)

  • Non normal conditions like,

    • lack of use​

    • holding tension in a muscle for long periods of time

    • anxiety, held in your muscles

    • trauma

    • injury

    • medical operations

    • other things

      cause the Sensory Motor Cortex to forget how to fully release the muscle. We        call this  Sensory Motor Amnesia. This condition can be reversed.

  • Somatics are movements that use Pandiculation to,

    • release a muscle, more fully than the Sensory Motor Cortex is currently releasing it

    • remind the Sensory Motor Cortex that it knows how to release the muscle more fully than it has been doing thus reversing the Sensory Motor Amnesia.

All words in BOLD are defined on the Soma Definitions tab.

  Who is Paul Marrin

I began my Yoga journey in a Yoga class taught by a young Nicole Ablack Rankay who became a studio owner, C-IAYT, Pain Resolution Therapist and Soma Yoga Therapist. She is and has been my friend, boss, teacher, collaborator and co-presenter.

My Yoga teacher trainer is Ruth van der Voort of Synergy Movement Studio in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Ruth is the owner and director of the Toronto Yoga Conference which attracts some 23,000 participants each year. For 10 years I have worked at the conference where I studied under several of the best Yoga minds on the continent. For the past 4 years I have taught at the conference. 

Always looking for more ways to help people get out of pain, I found Thai Yoga Massage in 2009. After completing a six level course I continued with additional training in Canada, Thailand and Mexico. I currently have a private practice.

Soma Yoga came to me through Nicole Ablack Ramkay who shared her thoughts and application of Soma Yoga Therapy. Fascinated by the results from Soma Yoga I took the concepts into the Yoga studio. I teach an 8 week courses in the summer and winter at Mont Tremblant, I teach for 3 weeks in Mexico each year and provide private sessions.

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