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Pelvic Tilt with Shoulders

      Lying on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor and arms relaxed at your sides with palms up, begin to breathe slowly feeling your lower back expand to the sides and towards the floor.

            Anterior Pelvic Tilt with Shoulders

      Gently roll the top front of your pelvis away from your heart. Try to move to the end of your range of motion. 

       Roll shoulders outwardly, externally rotating your arms and pull shoulder blades together

      Sense and feel the entire back of your body shorten. 

Tighten:  Feel all your back muscles. Gently try to tighten these                                 muscles.  

Focus:    Concentrate on these tight muscles. Hold this mental connection                 with the muscle 

Release: Slowly, very slowly relax the muscles you are focusing on. This                   relaxation will usually move the pelvis and shoulders back to a                   neutral position. If the pelvis or shoulders do not move as you                     relax the back muscles then role the pelvis or shoulders back to                 a neutral position.

Pause:    Take a few slow breaths. Sense and feel what you have done.                     Let your brain save this experience.

Repeat this 3 times

         Posterior Pelvic Tilt with Shoulders

      Gently roll the top front of your pelvis up toward your heart. Try to move to the end of your range of motion. 

      Roll your shoulders inwardly. Internally rotate your arms. Tighten your pectoralis muscles.

      Sense and feel the entire front of your body shorten.

Tighten:  Feel all the muscles of your front line. Gently try to tighten these                 muscles.  

Focus:    Concentrate on these tight muscles. Hold this mental connection                 with the muscle 

Release: Slowly, very slowly relax the muscles you are focusing on. This                   relaxation will usually move the pelvis and the shoulders  back to                 a neutral position. If the pelvis or the shoulders do not move as                   you relax the front line muscles then role the pelvis and the                         shoulders back to a neutral position.

Pause:    Take a few slow breaths. Sense and feel what you have done.                     Let your brain save this experience.

Repeat this 3 times

Pelvic Tilt with Shoulders

Pelvic Tilt with Shoulders

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