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Pelvic Rotations:  a Measurement of Body Movement 

       Moving the pelvis with ease through a full range of pelvic rotation allows you to sense and feel how your body moves. Repeating this movement before and after your Yoga practice allows you to feel the improvements you are creating. 

       Lying on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor and arms relaxed at your sides with palms up, begin to breathe slowly feeling your lower back expand to the sides and towards the floor.

       Neutral Position

      Lie still, now sense and feel the trunk of your body. (the area from your tail bone to the base of your skull) Notice the position of your pelvis, your lower back, your ribs, jaw and neck. Notice if any of your muscles are tense or tight. As you increase your awareness you will notice the improvements gained from your Soma Yoga practice.

       Anterior Pelvic Tilt

      Gently role the top front of your pelvis away from your heart. Do not strain but try to move to the end of your range of motion. 

      Sense and feel the front of your body lengthen and the back of your body shorten. Now focus of the shortened back of your body.  Where do you feel muscles that have contracted (shortened)? Start sensing tightness in your lower back then walk your mind up your spine noticing where you stop feeling tight muscles. As your Soma Yoga practice continues you will fell tightness further and further up your spine till you will feel tightness in your neck muscles. 

         Posterior Pelvic Tilt

       Gently role the top front of your pelvis up toward your heart. Do not strain but try to move to the end of your range of motion. As your Soma practice continues your range of motion will increase.

       Sense and feel the back of your body lengthen and the front of your body shorten. Now focus on the shortened front of your body. Where do you feel muscles that have contracted (shortened)? Start sensing tightness in your lower abdomen then walk your mind up the front of your body noticing where you stop feeling tight muscles. As your Soma Yoga practice continues you will feel tightness further and further up your front line till you will feel tightness in your sternum and throat. 

           Additional Benefits

        Gentle pelvic rotations are not only a measure of your improvements. This easy movement soothes the central nervise system calms the mind and the body. It is an excellent starter to a meditation, a Yoga practice or a sound, restful sleep.



Pelvic Rotations

Pelvic Rotations

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