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      Shoulder Lift; Trapezius muscle

       This is best done in a standing position.

       Stand in a relaxed neutral position with arms hanging loosely at your sides. Lift your shoulders straight up towards your ears.

Tighten:   Feel the trapezius muscle running down from the base of the                     skull then out to the back of your shoulder. Tighten this muscle.

Focus:     Concentrate on this tight muscle. Hold this mental connection                     with the muscle 

Release: Slowly, very slowly relax the muscles you are focusing on. Feel                   the shoulders drop as the Trapezius releases

Pause:    Take a few slow breaths. Sense and feel what you have done.                     Let your brain save this experience.

Repeat this 3 times

         Shoulder Lift; Trapezius & other muscles

       This is best done in a standing position.

       Stand in a relaxed neutral position with arms at your sides. Bring your upper arms in till they touch the sides of your rib cage. Lift your shoulders straight up towards your ears.

Tighten:   Feel the trapezius muscle running down from the base of the                     skull then out to the back of your shoulder as well as several                       interior muscles under your shoulder blades. Tighten these                         muscles.

Focus:     Concentrate on these tight muscles. Hold this mental connection                 with the muscle 

Release: Slowly, very slowly relax the muscles you are focusing on. Feel                   the shoulders drop as the Trapezius releases

Pause:    Take a few slow breaths. Sense and feel what you have done.                     Let your brain save this experience.

Repeat this 3 times


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