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Back Diagonal Twist

      Lying on your front with legs straight, overlap your hands and bring them under your forehead (Crocodile pose), begin to breathe slowly feeling your lower back expand to the sides.


  • tighten your right buttock

  • use the buttox to lift a straight right leg

  • bring left fingertips to left ear

  • lift left shoulder, arm and head

  • draw left shoulder down and across toward right buttox

      Sense and feel the muscles along the diagonal line

Tighten:  Feel all your back muscles. Gently try to tighten these                                 muscles.  

Focus:    Concentrate on these tight muscles. Hold this mental connection                 with the muscle 

Release: Slowly, very slowly relax the muscles you are focusing on. As                     the muscles relax allow your shoulder and leg to return to a                         neutral position 

Pause:    Take a few slow breaths. Sense and feel what you have done.                     Let your brain save this experience.

Repeat this 3 times

Repeat with opposite leg and arm


Back Diagonal Twist

Back Diagonal Twist

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